Journal of Plant Development provides „Online First” service (i.e. publishing an electronic version of the article in advance of the print edition). The forthcoming papers are published online before they are scheduled to appear in print and are hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final print and online journal volume. „Online First” service provides clear benefits to all authors and other researchers, and considerably reduces the time it would have previously taken for critical discoveries in the research community to be communicated, often by many months. Authors also benefit from greatly reduced lead times between submission and publication date of papers. An author's research will therefore reach its audience more quickly, enabling a paper to receive greater usage and exposure, including earlier citation opportunities by related work.

The articles are available on the Journal of Plant Development ONLINE FIRST page and they can be cited using their unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier), as in the following example:

TANASE C., BÎRSAN C., COJOCARIU A., PETRE C. V. & MARDARI C. 2021. Celebrating 165 years of collaboration between the Anastasie Fatu Botanical Garden and the natural science school from Iasi. J. Plant Develop. 28:

Volume 32, 2025 - Online First


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Botanic Garden "Anastasie Fatu" of Iasi  |   University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" of Iasi

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